Weygandt Strategic Consulting


The Regional Wastewater project simply would not have happened without Robert’s effort.

The Regional Wastewater project simply would not have happened without Robert’s effort.  And it’s a classic example of his skill sets. 

The project was a great vision, but ambitious and complicated.  It involved several jurisdictions, extensive planning, a budget of over $100 million, multiple consultants, intense state and federal environmental regulation and state and federal matching funds.  

When necessary, Robert immersed himself in the technical details so he could compete differing views of staff and consultants.  He completed a financial analysis reflecting the rate payer savings over time.  He studied the environmental performance of large versus small treatment facilities.  He built relationship among diverse stakeholders and brought forward a coalition. 

In the end, the Board of Supervisors, in a 3 – 2 vote did the right thing.  It will create tremendous value to rate payers and enhance our natural resources for decades to come.  – Primo Santini III, Former Mayor of Lincoln, CA